hongkong may05

I am a frequent visitor to Hong Kong. One of my Hong Kong trips with 3 beautiful young ladies and 2 other NUS lady professors in May 2005 was a very unique experience. The 3 young ladies were my daughter and 2 nieces.

We were lucky to have witnessed the recently revived tradition called Bun Festival at Cheung Chau in early May. Cheung Chau meaning "long island" in Cantonese is an island 12km southwest of Hong Kong island that took us about 40 minutes by boat. The festival was highlighted with the erection of giant bamboo towers comprising edible buns at the courtyard of Pak Tai Temple.

The buns were individually wrapped and handed out for good luck in an orderly manner to participants of the festival. We also witnessed the parade with locals dressed in colourful costumes holding big banners with the 'floating children'. These children with heavy make up were hoisted up on stilts and paraded through the crowds. The festive mood was further culminated with Chinese operas and lion dances joining in the street procession.

We stayed at Langham Place, latest five-star 42-storey hotel opened in Jan 2005. Langham Place redevelopment project, comprising the district's first five-start hotel, up-market office tower and a big shopping centre, is the latest hip place in Hong Kong's revitalised Mongkok district. It is designed by LA based architect and urban planner, The Jerde Partnership. Local architect is Wong & Ouyang (HK) LTD Architects & Engineers.

back to hong kong live sea food so many stalls good company
our hotel good hotel Langham Place good hotel at Langham
good restaurant food good hawker food no age limit this is hong kong

This page was added on 24 Aug 2006    Top