the journey continues........
first written for a staff exhibition "brave heart", 1999
I believe in sharing. My educational philosophy is simple : sharing. As the Lecturer and later Course Manager of Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design to today's Manager/Academic Support for the Temasek Design School,
I believe that an educator's job is not imparting of knowledge, but rather sharing of thoughts and experiences.
I also believe in guiding and facilitation.
I believe that one can only be taught the skills on drawing, the rest of the realisations come from the learners themselves. The lecturer's responsibility, therefore, is to help to bring out the best of learners and guide the students to the path where they would discover their potential.
My journey of art started when I received my private art education from Mr
Liu Kang, the pioneer artist in Singapore at the age of ten. Today, my journey continues.
The selected works depicted my journey through various media in the 1970's, 1980's to 1990's.
Graduated with an honours degree from the School of Architecture, University of Singapore,
I continued to explore and experiment with architectural design and drawings. I started with watercolour in the 70's, ventured into portraiture painting in the 80's, and eventually architectural perspective renderings and sketches in the 90's.
With a strong foundation in pure fine art, I tried to integrate art into my architectural design especially when I worked in both the public and private sectors as a practising architect. Eventually, I will like to do something else. I will not stop at sketches nor watercolour.
There are many dynamic ways for expressions and they are also changing rapidly. So life goes on. And so does my journey.
My inspirations come from everywhere. As a pure Science student while I was in Junior College, I have a passion in Mathematics. Mathematics and Architecture are inter-related. Just like Art and Design. I am always fascinated by Physics.
How the protons emit energy...things like that intrigue me. As a mother of three children, they are my inspirations too. I give them the environment and the freedom to express their talents. I draw together with them, just like how I would draw with my students.
I allow my children to doodle on the wall and while watching them grow and guiding them to maximise their talents, I am constantly inspired.
Indeed, I am not only inspired,
I am also trying to show a good example for people around me. As a mother, a wife, an artist, an architect, a lecturer, a manager, and many other roles, I constantly remind myself to balance my life. Most importantly after all these years, after my long journey,
I still hold on to the passion of my life.
My dream is to have a studio of my own, and to do whatever I like to do, in art.
The journey continues......