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September 11

I was in New York on September 11   

Lori, my American roommate was knocking at my bathroom door while I was taking my shower on September 11, 2001. She was screaming and yelling at the door about America being attacked. I heard 'bomb', 'planes', 'war' etc. When I came out of the bathroom, she was already gone. I called my family in Singapore and was told of the 911 tragedy.

We had no radio or television in our apartment. I decided to go up to the rooftop to take a look and there were many people on the rooftop. A thick smoke was covering the Manhanttan skyline and everyone was shocked and sad.....

Everyone was shocked!

We were watching television at our neighbor's apartment and everyone was so upset and depressed. The next day on September 12, I went out to buy a television set. Like everyone, Lori and I were following the news closely....

I came to New York on Aug 22, 2001. And guess what.... I went up to World Trade Centre on my first Sunday in New York on Aug 26. The next Sunday on September 2, I was there again but this time I went to Borders which was located on the ground floor of WTC. I did not go out on my third Sunday which was September 9 and the tragedy happended on the third week of my arrival.

I could find no words to explain how I feel about the 911 tragedy. It was painful to watch the news. It was heartbreaking to hear the cries of people. Worst of all, it was dreadful to listen to the voices of the widows of the firemen and policemen. The only light in the tunnel perhaps was the birth of those adorable babies whose fathers were buried under the debris. I can only offer my love and best wishes to them.

The children in New York were encouraged to talk about the tragedy and express their feelings through various art forms. The following is a visual I made after their works.

This image was added on July 4, 2002.

This image was added on April, 5 2003 - two months after I return to Temasek Design School.   Top